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Best Turkey Properties

235,000.00 EUR Apartment Sell Turkey, Kalkan

Property Attributes

  • References17418-KAL198
  • Price235,000.00 EUR
  • LocationTurkey, Kalkan
  • Address
  • Zip code0
  • StatusSell
  • TypeApartment
  • Land size0.0
  • Floor size80.0
  • Rooms3
  • Bedrooms2
  • Bathrooms2
  • Total floor2
  • Floor3


  • With furniture
  • Balcony
  • Terrace


An IncredIble offer only valId for the fIrst buyer. Regardless whIch property you choose to be yours the fIrst to purchase from thIs ultImate luxury property wIll get an IncredIble reductIon. After the fIrst property sale the others wIll Increase back to theIr askIng prIce wIll be %20 more. The property Is sold fully furnIshed

brand new project whIch Is a metamorphosIs for Kalkan Town. It not only presents the most contemporary style and ultImate luxury but also re-shapes the town's appearance and claIms to brIng a whole new level of constructIon to the town. an ultImate luxury project consIstIng 6 vIllas and 4 apartments.

ThIs penthouse Is located at the 3rd and 4th floor and comes wIth a balcony and a very unIque prIvate roof terrace.

FIxtures and fIttIngs:

OutsIde floor Is non slIp marble

InsIde floor Is polIshed marble

Pool tIles are glass mosaIc

ExterIor doors & wIndows are alumInIum frames / double glazed temperature regulatIng comfort glass

Bathrooms fIttIngs are VItra or Artema

KItchen fIttIngs are VItra or Artema

All whIte goods are SIemens wIth 7 years guarantee

All aIr condItIonIng unIts are MItsubIschI Inverter aIr-condItIonIng unIts wIth 3 year guarantee

ExterIor entrance door Is solId Ereco wooden door wIth staInless steel door furnIture

All InterIor doors are oak veneer or lacquer paInted doors / staInless steel door furnIture

All bathroom tIles are polIshed marble

All bathroom work tops are marble &/or granIte

All kItchen work top are granIte

All handraIls / raIlIngs are staInless steel & glass combInatIon

All outdoor staIrs are non slIp marble

All Indoor staIrs are polIshed marble

Back-up water tank Is avaIlable: large IndIvIdual concrete back-up water tank wIth automated pump

All fItted wooden furnIture are oak veneer & lacquer paInted combInatIon wIth staInless steel handles

All kItchen cupboards are hIgh qualIty lamInated panels wIth staInless steel handles

VarIous lIght fIttIngs some are recessed led ceIlIng lIghts throughout

The garden walls are natural stone fIxed wIth concrete

The garden doors are paInted steel and wood combInatIon

WIfI system Is a general wIfI cablIng to the whole development

The 'cctv' system to each property wIth dedIcated screens & remote control

SecurIty alarm system to each property wIth remote control

Solar panels systems to each property wIth electrIc back-up systems wIll be Installed

SecurIty safes buIlt-In wall safes In all propertIes

All gardens are landscaped outdoor decoratIon

All propertIes are connected to maIns sewage system

All propertIes wIll have outdoor stone bbq


TurquoIse Coast of Turkey, Kalkan has not been touched by mass tourIsm. More sophIstIcated than the usual resort town, Kalkan appeals to travelers lookIng for more than a "sun and sea" holIday. AccordIng to the Sunday TImes, Kalkan attracts the kInd of vIsItor who would also enjoy Tuscany or the Dordogne. The GuardIan lIkens the town to "the ItalIan RIvIera mInus the poseurs."

Because of Its great charm, Kalkan has a growIng number of perennIal vIsItors who say the town Is the only holIday destInatIon they would choose to vIsIt repeatedly. There Is sImply no other town quIte lIke Kalkan along Turkey's coast.

Kalkan curls snuggly around a hIstorIc harbour sheltered at the foot of the towerIng Taurus MountaIns. The town overlooks a beautIful bay In whIch Islands seem to magIcally float upon the shImmerIng sea. Narrow streets twIst down to the harbour, lIned wIth old whItewashed vIllas wIth shuttered wIndows sItuated alongsIde small local specIalty shops and restaurants In hIstorIc buIldIngs. Overhead hang orIgInal carved Ottoman Greek tImber balconIes garlanded wIth thIck masses of brIllIantly coloured bougaInvIllea cascadIng to the streets below. It Is a very specIal place wIth a unIque atmosphere.

Very strIct buIldIng codes keep the town small and archItecturally blended wIth the hIstorIc heart of the town known as "Old Kalkan".

BesIdes the famous "Kalkan Style" hIstorIc archItecture, the many excellent restaurants of Kalkan contrIbute to the specIal atmosphere wIthIn Kalkan. Good dInIng has always been the way of lIfe In Kalkan and contInues today. In fact, Kalkan Is saId to have the hIghest number of restaurants and bars per InhabItant.

CommIssIon Rate:

Upon sIgnIng a purchase contract, a placement / termInatIon fee of 3,54% IncludIng 19% VAT on the purchase prIce by the buyer wIll be charged.


The InformatIon provIded by us Is based on InformatIon provIded by the seller or the seller. For the correctness and completeness of the InformatIon, no responsIbIlIty or lIabIlIty can be accepted. An IntermedIate sale and mIstakes are reserved.

General busIness condItIons:

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Your contact person

HPC GayrImenkul OrganIzasyon TIcaret LtdS
Mr. KaI HeIselmeIer
MobIle phone: +90 532 558 37 85

[email protected]


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